Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Burnt out mom of 3 under 4 ?

I have only had children for almost 3 years & I'm getting burnt out. I know motherhood/parenthood isn't always sunshine & rainbows. I just find myself repeating the same things over & over. I have a 2.5 year old girl & twin girls 1yr old. The "twin" part was not by choice. I did not do any special fertilazation treatments. It just happened that I have 2 embryos that got fertilized. I am a stay at home mom & I rarely & I mean RARELY get away. I know that this is the terrible 2's stage & it is driving me NUTS! Then I will have to deal with it again times 2! How do you parents manage the stress of having more than one child? I feel like I am at my witts end. Then on top of that my husband who works at night comes home and acts like a child too! Right in front of my oldest. She sees him not listening to me & aggrivating me. Like today I was aggrivated because my oldest bust her lip trying to get into her sisters playpen because she wouldn't listen to me when I told her to sit down. Then one of my twins has a scream like a banshee. She does it for all occasions (happy, sad, hungry, sleepy, wants a toy, wants my attention....) So when things quiet down here he comes playing around & when I tell him to stop he proceeds further until he is satisfied. My daughter gets to observe my husband ignore my demands and requests & how I handle it because by this point I am aggrivated beyond comparison.....I am just burnt out. I know it's not supposed to be easy. I know it's not their fault because they are just babies but I need some help. I feel like I am doing a poor job at being a mother. I see myself going down a road that I don't like but I don't know how to change course. It's hard enough trying to give them all attention because there are 3. The twins get into everything now because they are at that exploration stage. So I know my daughter feels left out. I don't want tv to be her friend. I try to take her outside everyday for at least 15-30 minutes. I need help.

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