Friday, November 11, 2011

Not sure what to do or if being upset is wrong?

I have a bit of a dilemma and was hoping to get some SERIOUS answers. I have a boyfriend I've been with for about 2/12 years. We have a great relationship, don't really argue much if at all, and also have mutual respect for eachother. Well on 4th of July his grandmother became very ill. I love his grandmother and she is a great woman. We visit her pretty often together. Well he spent most of 4th of July at the hospital with her. The next day Thursday, I had planned to go visit her but I didn't have anyone to watch my two kids. So I figured, no biggie I would just go visit on Friday. So anyway, thursday her health was up n' down and everyone was worried. Well Friday came and now she seems to be fighting a little and doing better. Long story short my bf was being a jerk to me because I hadn't made it to visit yet. He told me he was going out to eat w/friends, then by the time we spoke he was drunk and telling me hurtful things. He said I was selfish and insensitive ===> cont

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