Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why do people vote Republican?

Yes, I am deeply concerned with the prosperity of corporations and businesses since these entities are what give life to most middle cl wage earners. If we tax these groups out of business, WE will not have jobs since these businesses will either move overseas or close their doors. Further, I truly believe in some people being rich and others poor. I do not see a problem with this. If one person prospers and another fails, that is what I call opportunity and pursuit of happiness. We are not guaranteed success... only the chance to succeed. Moreover, I do not like the idea of government controlling my healthcare, the vehicle I drive, or my education. I value the liberty I have as an American... the liberty to make the choices... good or bad... for myself. As you can tell... most Republicans are very independent individuals and like freedom with little governmental involvement. That ideology has been a staple in America since our forefathers founded this great nation. As for guns... Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers, stated clearly why we need guns... "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." I know that you as a Canadian cannot understand this concept, but in America, we value our Constitution and our rights that are contained within that doent. That doent sets the United States apart from any other country in the world. Next, we are "pro" oil because in the short term... we need it. Yes, we are all for alternative forms of energy, but the fact remains, that these sources will take years to produce and market. In the meantime, we can drill on our own soil and become less dependent on foreign nations. As for socialized medicine... why do many, many Canadians come to America for their healthcare??? I know that they do since my brother-n-law and his family lived in Montreal for many years and experienced it for themselves. Privatized healthcare is the best form of medicine and allows for more choices than socialized medicine, and you the individual are in control instead of the government. Last, we are not "pro war." We just believe in securing our nation from terrorists or countries which intend on harming our people. WE have not forgotten 9/11. Yes, this war could have been planned a little better, but hindsight is always 20/20. To give up... that would be completely foolish and irresponsible. Therefore, to be "pro war" is wrong... but to protect your country and its people is not. We had a right to try and bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice. Therefore, for you, as a Candadian, to judge Republicans by what you think they believe or by your values is wrong. We are not perfect, but we have a right to believe in what we do. Furthermore, many of us are Americans who hold to strict, old-fashioned values when it comes to choosing our candidates. We, not a Canadian, are best suited for choosing that candidate since WE love this country. So... don't judge America based on a socialistic, liberal, Canadian train of thought.

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