Friday, November 11, 2011

Parents, do you feel politicians have our children's safety at heart?

Politicians have my child's best interst at heart. Excuse me while I pause to roll on the floor and laugh my rear end off at that one. NO they don't. It's all a political power game and they can not possibly make good decisions for my children because they don't know my children, their abilities, their needs or anything else. The current politicians in the white house have only their own interests at heart and not anyone else's. This is exactly why my children will NEVER be in public school with the indoctrination of their liberal, socialist thought being forced into children's minds. It reminds me too much of what Hitler did with his race issues and control of the people who blindly followed along as if he were wonderful. All he did was murder 6 million people and have people live in fear and being brainwashed into his "ideals" for "what is best" for the so called "father land". It was wrong then and it is wrong now. I do not need or want the government educating my child, making their health care decisions for me, the parent, or anything else in regards to my child.. the one they don't even know other than a number in a computer somewhere in some olffice.

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